La brisa atlántica que peinaba sus ramas había depositado a sus pies un tapiz de flores lilas. Sobre él me senté, hastiado de los desvaríos del deseo, exhausto de mis rabietas sin sentido, harto de culpar de mis taras a las jugarretas del destino.
Y pensé que cómo era posible que ocuparan mi mente pensamientos tan funestos mientras desmigajaba absorto una de aquellas flores lilas, sentado bajo aquel tilo que ojalá, de verdad que ojalá que fuera una jacaranda.
Café cultural L’ermità (Valencia), jueves 20 de diciembre de 2007
I was sitting under a jacaranda, or maybe it was a lime tree, I don’t understand about botany, but I know something about putting words together and I like more jacaranda, as a word.
The Atlantic breeze that combed its branches had placed a tapestry of lilac flowers at its foot. I sat down on it, fed up with the ravings of desire, worn out by my pointless tantrums, tired of blaming the dirty tricks of fate for my blemishes.
And I thought how it could be possible that such mournful thoughts took up my mind while I, absorbed, crumbled one of those lilac flowers, sitting under that lime tree that I wish, I really, really wish were a jacaranda.
L’ermità cultural cafe (
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