A Spaniard’s only homeland is his PRIDE.
(and each Spaniard is proud of what he bloody well likes).
Este es el blog de Shit Happening, proyecto de literatura libre, gratuita y sin intermediarios. Plasmando mis textos en lugares tan innobles como los lavabos públicos pretendo dignificar el soporte y comunicarme íntima y directamente con los lectores.
A Spaniard’s only homeland is his PRIDE.
(and each Spaniard is proud of what he bloody well likes).
Restaubar Basílico (Valencia), jueves 24 de mayo de 2007
With my vain existence and its unattained goals.
With my other lives, imagined in deluded raptures.
With my dashed hopes and broken dreams.
With my groundless insomnia and bitter awakenings.
With my wandering tosses and turns.
With my stabs in the dark and my delusions of grandeur.
With my wrong roads and impossible journeys.
With my un-northed course.
With my futile words and hasty judgements.
With my laughs at the wrong time and pointless kidding.
With my what’s-so-damn-funny jokes.
With all these things and some more I would build a “falla”, which made fun of my defects during 4 days and, on the 5th, was burnt. The smoke would blind your eyes so you would be no longer able to see me. The memory of me would be reduced to ashes. It does not deserve a lot more.
I think I am too old for
El Sol (