No hay más patria que el mundo (y ni siquiera).
Club Divino (Albacete), Viernes 28 de septiembre de 2007
There's no fatherland but the world (and not even).
Divino Club (
Este es el blog de Shit Happening, proyecto de literatura libre, gratuita y sin intermediarios. Plasmando mis textos en lugares tan innobles como los lavabos públicos pretendo dignificar el soporte y comunicarme íntima y directamente con los lectores.
El océano. El océano.
El sol susurraba, al morir, rumores de cobalto.
El océano. El océano.
La brisa traía a tierra el último aliento de los ahogados.
El océano. El océano.
Plata de luna en su nuca, y en el cielo mil alfileres.
El océano. El océano.
Las olas cantaban melodías azules que su espuma silbaba.
El océano. El océano.
Las gaviotas dibujaron al alba el camino de vuelta
hacia los charcos. Hacia los charcos.
The ocean. The ocean.
The dying sun whispered cobalt murmurs.
The ocean. The ocean.
The breeze brought back to land the last breath of the drowned.
The ocean. The ocean.
Moon’s silver on her neck and a thousand pins in the sky.
The ocean. The ocean.
The waves sang blue melodies whistled by the foam.
The ocean. The ocean
The seagulls drew at dawn the way bac
to the puddles. To the puddles.
Restaurante Delicias del Libano (Valencia). Miércoles, 19 de septiembre de 2007
Getting old does not mean being older and older, but learning to fear more and more things.
Delicias del Libano Restaurant (Valencia, Spain). Wednesday, September 19th 2007
El mundo corre, pero esta comida rápida y pesada lastrará sus tripas el resto de la tarde.
Cines Babel (Valencia). Lunes, 17 de septiembre de 2007
This man has an absent look, but he’s not missing a trick. His eyes pretend lack of interest, but they keep jumping from one table to another. He has a sad air, this middle-aged man who is eating alone, not thinking of his own thing but the people around one’s. Children of a generation he does not understand, gym pill-poppers with redneck minds, cutie boys who look forward to being the next big thing on the telly game shows, tight lolitas who chat with strangers in Internet’s disguised nights. This man is sad like all displaced people, like the plants without a flower pot, like the turtles who are left behind with nobody waiting for them. Off goes the sad man, licking the yoghurt out of his lips while he looks out of the corner of his eye at the shameless girls who discover the world on their cells’ screens.
The world runs, but this fast, heavy food will ballast his bowels for the rest of the afternoon.
Babel Cinemas (
Club 47 (Valencia). Sábado, 15 de septiembre de 2007
On this bed I’ve had many sleepless nights. Sheets like these have soaked my excesses’ sweat. I have asked myself sometimes how I reached this point and where I’m bound to, despite I know my life has a course set. I don’t know the name of the harbour, though.
47 Club (
Cervecería Subanestrujenempujenbajen (Valencia), sábado 15 de septiembre de 2007
Life is also inside here, telling herself her own story in this book’s pages, in the epic of love and deceptions that we build up among these walls.
Tonight I’ve been rereading passages of my novel and I’ve thought again that I am right and all of you are wrong. I know it maybe isn’t true, though.
The songs and screams that won’t let me sleep tonight are getting in through the open window.
Subanestrujenempujenbajen Bar (
I could live in
Albatros Cinemas (
¡Lo suyo es aún peor!
Pick-ups from a heap, disposable minor celebrities who make a living by washing their dirty linen on the telly.
Who are these supposed pop stars?
Small-time, wholesale louts whose highest goal is to win the Eurovision contest
What’s with these idiots, why are them so much admired?
And even if this poem is terrible, so terrible that it’s disgusting, I don’t need to worry.
Their thing is even worse!
El Principito Cafe (
When the midnight sun fell, the man could not take it anymore and screamed. He screamed and the Universe folded over itself and the turbulent waters bent and the sky was set on fire and the colours melted into whirlwinds of ink. He screamed, but the passers-by did not hear his scream.